At the recent Alumni Weekend, the Class of '62 observed their 50th reunion (!), and they gathered for dinner on Friday night ...
First, Alan Rozinsky presented two gifts to the school. On behalf of classmate Steve Myers, he delivered two of Steve's photographs (Steve is an artist/photographer, and one of the photos had appeared in Life Magazine's 1999 Best Photos issue) to the school in honor/memory of Don Pierpont and Sid Clark. Steve wrote: "Their guidance and direction, bound together in an unlikely synthesis of methods, remains a lasting presence for all of us who received their help." Alan's second presentation concerned Hartford radio personality Bob Steele, who graced the local airwaves for fifty years (I distinctly remember my mother sitting on a beach in Maine and discussing the tenor of Bob Steele's voice with two neighbors; I thought it odd at first, but then I realized all three lived in Connecticut during the year; this was probably in the late 60s). Bob's son Phil has collected and published a series of scrapbooks that chronicle Bob's career, and Alan and Bobbie have donated a set to the school for use in the library and by the history department. They constitute a phenomenal resource for Hartford area history, and I can envision them getting much use by students as they "practice" history.
Not surprisingly, one of the better stories came from George Seifert. Don Pierpont had arranged for George to go to Parson's College, where Don was on the Board of Directors. When he got there, George adopted a St. Bernard puppy, which he named after Don. One day, when George was in class and his friends were exercising the dog, Don arrived for a board meeting and was confounded to hear a group of college students yelling for "Pierps"!
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